Microbiome Screening

Why Guess When You Can Know?

Tried Everything and Still Don't Feel Good? Could Be Chronic Infections.

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Have You removed delayed food allergies from your diet and have clean blood work, but you find yourself at a plateau in your healing journey

Have You ‘tried everything’ but are still feeling sluggish, struggling with indigestion, have brain fog, inexplicable aches and pains, menstrual irregularities, & more?

The Comprehensive Stool Analysis with Parasitology might be exactly what you need. Not only does this test identify the chronic infections causing these ongoing conditions, it provides definitive direction for clinical application of ridding your body of these infections.

Order Your Comprehensive Stool Analysis & 30-Minute Educational Review Phone-Call with one of our Certified Holistic Nutritionists Today!* Have Questions? Email Info@EnergeticHealthInstitute.Org
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What Do I Get?

Consultation with dietician
  • Accurate Information of Your Overall Gastrointestinal Health

  • A 30-Minute Educational Review With a Certified Holistic Nutritionist

  • A Detailed Report Including Recommendations For Clinical Therapeutic Application

  • Confidence & Peace of Mind Knowing You Have a Plan For a Healthier You

Who Benefits From A Microbiome Screening?

Anyone Suffering from the Following Medical Conditions...

Indigestion, alternating between diarrhea and constipation, blood/mucus in stool, undigested food in stool, pain during digestion, fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, inexplicable aches and pains, dry/scaly skin, brittle hair, anxiety, depression, menstrual irregularities, swollen prostates, ED, neurologic disorders, symptoms that get worse during full moons, v@ccine injury, cancers & other serious health conditions.

Click Here to Get Your Kit!
*Please note, the use of antifungals, antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors should be discontinued at least 2 weeks before sample collection for accurate results. Consult your trusted medical provider BEFORE discontinuing any prescribed medications. For more information, see the FAQs below.

What Do The Results Look Like?

See What Others Are Saying!

Frequently Asked Questions

No. All health screenings facilitated through the Energetic Health Institute are for educational purposes only. It is strictly prohibited for health screenings to include a diagnosis or prescription. The Energetic Health Institute strongly encourages all people participating in health screenings to seek the opinion of their trusted medical team BEFORE enacting any educational information acquired via their health screening.
All health screenings offered by the Energetic Health Institute are for US Residents only.
After payment has been received for a health screening, you will be asked to provide additional information (Date of Birth, Mailing Address, Etc.). Upon receipt of that information, our offices will ship out the collection kit with instructions. Depending upon the type of screening, a blood draw may be required. If a blood draw is required, you will be provided options for private draw stations near you. Once your test sample is collected, it will be sent directly to the appropriate processing lab by prepaid FedEx billable stamp. Once received by the lab, expect 1-2 weeks for processing before being contacted by the Energetic Health Institute to schedule a review of the screening results.
During your scheduled review of the screening results, you will receive a 30-minute educational review. At the conclusion of the review, you will receive your results and recommendations to discuss with your trusted medical team. Again, the Energetic Health Institute strongly encourages all people participating in health screenings to seek the opinion of their trusted medical team BEFORE enacting any educational information acquired via their health screening.
The most ideal time to collect your stool sample is when symptoms are at their worst. For example, if you find that symptoms increase near the start of your menstrual cycle, you should plan to collect your sample(s) at that time.

As a reminder, the use of antifungals, antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors should be discontinued at least 2 weeks before sample collection for accurate results. Consult your trusted medical provider BEFORE discontinuing any prescribed medications. 
Antibiotics, Antifungals, Antiparasitics, Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) and Bismuth must be discontinued at least 14 days prior to collecting stool samples. Non-PPI Antacids, Aspirin, NSAIDs, Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes, Betaine HCl, Laxatives, Suppositories, Activated Charcoal, and Bentonite Clay must be discontinued for at least 2 days (and preferably at least 4 days) before collecting stool samples.

The Energetic Health Institute does NOT endorse or recommend the discontinuation of ANY prescription medication WITHOUT the guidance of the prescribing medical professional.
Partial refunds for health screening purchases are available to all customers prior to collection kits being mailed out. Mailings typically occur 24-48 hours after an order has been placed. Prior to the collection kit being mailed out, customers may request a partial refund less $50.00. After the collection kit has been mailed out, refunds are no longer available. So please be sure you want to proceed with your chosen health screening BEFORE placing an order. Thank you.
At the conclusion of your health screening review, if the nutritional professional is available to work with you in the future, then this may be an option for you. If you do elect to work with the nutrition professional, you do so with the express understanding that any future work with the nutrition professional establishes a professional client relationship with that professional and NOT the Energetic Health Institute. The Energetic Health Institute has no involvement in that client relationship and therefore, assumes no responsibility or liability. All health screenings facilitated by the Energetic Health Institute are for educational purposes only and not meant to replace the care of a licensed medical professional.
Microbiome Screening results are typically valid for several months at most; however, this screening is generally used to provide a clear picture of the gastrointestinal health at the time that something is suspected and would only need to be repeated if symptoms began reoccurring at some future point.
Delayed Food Allergy screenings are generally intended for adults, but parents and legal guardians may order health screenings for their children. Typically, a child will need to be at least 5 years of age for this screening. For Microbiome screenings, there is no age requirement.
The Energetic Health Institute makes no claims and offers no advice regarding health screenings and any potential impact upon pre-existing health conditions. The Energetic Health Institute refers all customers back to their trusted medical team for answers to questions such as these.
If you have additional questions not answered here, please feel free to reach out to us at Info@EnergeticHealthInstitute.Org and a member of our team will respond to you within 2 business days 🙂

Have You Had A Health Screening?
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***All Information Presented During Health Screenings Is For Educational Purposes Only. All Statements Have Not Been Evaluated By The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Go Here For A Current List Of The FDA’s Position On Various Therapeutic Interventions. We Are Required To Inform You That Any Information Presented During Health Screenings Is Not Intended To Advise, Diagnose, Treat, Cure, Or Prevent Any Disease Including COVID. Additionally, We Are Required To Inform You That Any Information Presented During Health Screenings Is Not Intended To Constitute Legal Advice Or Service. Always Consult With Qualified Licensed Medical Professionals & Legal Experts Before Enacting Any Information Presented Herein.***

***Please Be Aware That At No Time Will EHI Offer Advice, Guidance, Or Direction With Respect To Whether Or Not An Individual Should Or Should Not Receive COVID Gene Modification Shots In Clinical Trial According To The National Institutes Of Health (NIH). We Encourage All People To Review Available Safety & Efficacy Data, Published By The CDC Through The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) And The CDC’s COVID Data Tracker, With Their Trusted Healthcare Team And Make The Decision That Is Right For Them. We Support Every Individual’s Rights As Patients To Agree To Or Decline Any Medical Procedure As Stated In The American Medical Association’s Code Of Medical Ethics 1.1.3(d).***

***In A Transparent Effort To Be In Full Compliance With The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Regarding Prevention, Treatment, & Deceptive Practices (15 U.S. Code § 57b & Section 19 of the FTC Act), We Are Required To Notify You That The Information Presented During Health Screenings Is A Collection Of Peer-Reviewed Empirical Evidence, But Has Not Yet Been Evaluated By The FDA For Safety & Efficacy. None Of The Information Provided Is Intended To Replace The Care And Supervision Of Qualified Licensed Medical Professionals Or The Legal Advice Of Licensed Attorneys.***

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