EHI Policies & General Info

We believe in creating a special experience for each and every student, graduate, faculty, & administrator, and our valued partners. Our unwavering dedication to integrity & transparency within our policies is the foundation for our ability to consistently create special experiences for everyone.


Prospective Student Acceptance & Denial Policies

Prospective students attempting to enroll in our multi-course certification, such as our Holistic Nutrition Certification (HNC), are required to complete a scholarship application and schedule & attend a welcome call with an EHI Welcome Specialist to determine eligibility for our programs within 21 days of application submission. All prospective students interested in enrolling in our multi-course certifications must be 18 years or older and have a high school diploma or equivalent. During the call with an EHI Welcome Specialist students will have the opportunity to ask as many questions as they like. At the conclusion of the call the EHI Welcome Specialist will determine if the prospective student meets or exceeds our criteria for acceptance. Prospective students that meet or exceed our criteria for acceptance will receive an Acceptance Letter & partial scholarship award (based upon availability) via email within 24 hours and are eligible to enroll at EHI. Students who do not meet our criteria for acceptance will be issued a denial letter via email with rationale/corrective actions they can take for reapplication within 24 hours. Prospective students receiving a denial letter may reapply as soon as all corrective action has been proven to be completed.

School Enrollment & Holiday Calendar

EHI is an open-enrollment school for multi-course certifications. Single-course certifications begin and end on specific calendar dates each year and the dates can always be found on the specific certification page on this website. The EHI classrooms are open to students 24 hours each day, 365 days each year. Faculty & administrative support is available Mon-Sat and by special appointment as well. Each student additionally receives Dr. Henele’s private cell phone number upon enrollment for any potential emergency situations within the classrooms. All employees are given Summer & Winter Breaks off, and during these times the classrooms, while open for student access, are unsupported and administrative offices, such as Student Success, are closed. Summer Break begins each year on July 1st and can last up until July 14th. Winter Break begins each year on the last Saturday before December 25th and runs through the first week of the New Year.

Transfer Policy

We do not currently allow students to transfer course credits from another school when enrolling at EHI.

Identity Verification Policy

Enrolling Students are required to submit a copy of their state issued driver’s license, id, or passport with picture in the secure New Student Tour on-boarding course before beginning their coursework so we can verify each student’s identity. Failure to provide requested identification is grounds for having access to the classrooms restricted until such time as the identification is provided and validated by the school. This policy is non-negotiable.

Books, Supplies & Materials Refund Policy

EHI does not sell books, supplies or materials directly. Therefore, any attempted refunds must be sought by the student through the purchase vendor.

Single-Course Certification Cancellation & Refund Policy

Enrollment cancellation requests must be submitted via e-mail to Single-course Certifications are not reviewed or regulated by the Oregon HECC and are intended to be used for enhancing personal education and/or professional acumen on the topics covered. Unless the school has discontinued the program of instruction, the student is financially obligated to the school according to the following:
(a) If cancellation occurs prior to the 1st day of the course, all monies related to the enrollment agreement shall be refunded.
(b) If cancellation occurs after the start of the 1st day of the course, no refunds will be issued. However, students may defer their participation to future offerings of the same course without penalty if they notify Student Success in writing within 7 days of the start of the course.
(c) Students who do not finish their coursework in the allotted time can retake the course for an audit fee of $100 during a future offering and complete their coursework at that time.
(d) If at any point during the student’s matriculation through any single-course specialty certification hosted by the school, the student is expelled for disciplinary reasons relative to violations of the student handbook, after the 1st day of the course and following due process with the leadership council, then the student shall not be eligible for a refund.
(e) Note: At no point will a student receive a refund for discounts, scholarships, savings, or tuition credits awarded at the time of enrollment.

For cancellation under Subsections 1 (a)-(e), the “date of enrollment” will be determined as follows:
(a) When enrollment occurs by a document exchange through a mail delivery service, the enrollment date shall be the date the enrollment agreement is signed by both the student and the authorized school official, whichever is first;
(b) When the enrollment occurs online, the date of enrollment will be the date the school receives: (1) The first tuition payment, (2) a copy of the enrollment agreement signed by the student, and (3) the date the student is granted access to the program.

In the event that the student does not complete the official enrollment agreement within 48 hours of receipt of the enrollment agreement, the date of the first tuition payment and date of access to the program will be considered the official enrollment date.

Notice: Students are granted access to the Schoology Classrooms 24 hours prior to the official start of the class.

Multi-Course Certification Cancellation & Refund Policy

Enrollment cancellation requests must be submitted via e-mail to Unless the school has discontinued the program of instruction, the student is financially obligated to the school according to the following:
(a) If cancellation occurs within 5 business days of the date of enrollment but before the first login, all monies related to the enrollment agreement shall be refunded;
(b) If cancellation occurs within 5 business days of the date of enrollment and one or more logins have occurred, EHI reserves the right to retain the Copyright Download License fees associated with the first course ($500). All other monies related to the enrollment agreement shall be refunded;
(c) If cancellation occurs after five business days of the date of enrollment and before the first login, all monies related to the enrollment agreement shall be refunded with the exception of the enrollment fee of $250;
(d) If cancellation occurs after five business days of the date of enrollment, but before the completion of the first lesson assignment, and one or more logins has occurred, all monies related to the enrollment agreement shall be refunded, with the exception of the following fees: (1) The enrollment fee of $250. (2) Copyright Download Fees associated with the first course ($500).
(e) If withdrawal in writing occurs after the completion of the first lesson assignment but before 50 percent of the total lesson assignments are completed AND before 9 months from the date of the first tuition payment, the student shall be entitled to a pro rata refund of the tuition when the amount paid for the instructional program exceeds the charges owed to the school. In addition to the pro-rated tuition charge, EHI will retain the Enrollment Fee, Administrative Fees, Copyright Download License Fees, and any Account Restriction Fees (up to $250.00) or Account Inactivation Fees (up to $500) resulting from student failures to complete their monthly coursework as agreed and stay in communication with Student Success.
(f) If withdrawal in writing occurs after completion of 50 percent or more of the total lesson assignments OR after 9 months from the date of the first tuition payment (whichever scenario applies), the student shall be obligated for the tuition charged for the entire instructional program and shall not be entitled to any refund, including any Overtime fees (up to $500.00 per 6 months) resulting from student needs to extend their allotted course access beyond the 24 month time frame granted for coursework completion.
(g) If at any point during the student’s matriculation through any course or program hosted by the school, the student is expelled for disciplinary reasons relative to violations of the student handbook following due process with the leadership council, the student is financially obligated to the school according to the policies outlined above under Subsections (a) – (f).
(h) Note: At no point will a student receive a refund for discounts, scholarships, savings, or tuition credits awarded at the time of enrollment.

For cancellation under Subsections 1 (a)-(f), the “date of enrollment” will be determined:
(a) When enrollment occurs by a document exchange through a mail delivery service, the enrollment date shall be the date the enrollment agreement is signed by both the student and the authorized school official, whichever is first;
(b) When the enrollment occurs online, the date of enrollment will be the date the school receives: (1) The first tuition payment, (2) a copy of the enrollment agreement signed by the student and (3) the date the student is granted access to the program. In the event that the student does not complete the official enrollment agreement within 48 hours of receipt of the enrollment agreement, the date of the first tuition payment and date of access to the program will be considered the official enrollment date.

Notice: students are granted access to the Learning Management System immediately following receipt of the first tuition payment.

A student is entitled to receive a pro rata refund of refundable tuition charges if 50% or less of the program has been completed. The following criteria will be used to determine the amount owed to a student at the time of withdrawal/termination;
(a) The date of the student’s withdrawal/termination will be considered the initial date of their written request as time stamped in their email communication (or official expulsion) and will be used to determine the length of time enrolled in the program by determining the numerical difference between that date and the date of their enrollment as found within their Enrollment Agreement.
(b) The lesson in progress at the time of their written request (or official expulsion) will be considered participated in for the purposes of determining progress in the program at the time.
(c) Completion percentage will be determined using the length of time enrolled in the program (measured in days) or number of lessons participated in. The criteria that results in the higher completion percentage rate will be used to determine the refund. For example, if a student makes a formal request for withdrawal during day 32 but has completed 101 Lesson 10, then their completion percentage would be considered to be 20% and their refund percentage would be 80% of refundable tuition (total tuition received less Enrollment Fees, Administrative Fees, & Download Licensing Fees).
(d) Refundable tuition charges do not include any non-refundable fees, such as the enrollment fee, administrative fees, copyright download licensing fees, et all. as outlined above.
(e) Be advised that any Account Restriction Fees (up to $250.00) or Account Inactivation Fees (up to $500.00) resulting from student failures to complete their monthly coursework as agreed and stay in communication with Student Success are completely non-refundable.
(f) Be advised that any Overtime Fees (up to $500.00 per 6 Months) resulting from student needs to extend their allotted course access beyond the 24 Month time frame granted for coursework completion are completely non-refundable.


Grading Policy & Scale

Each student submission, without exception, receives a quality typed or audio recorded response from a trained faculty member within 48 hours of the student’s submission along with a grade. Students scoring 80% or higher will unlock their next lesson. Students scoring below 80% will be provided with ways to improve the accuracy, research and or overall quality of their submission and encouraged to resubmit it within 7 days for regrading. We do all we can to be supportive and encouraging during the learning process because grades are important, but not as important as building confidence and mastery of the material. Please refer to our Student & Community Handbook as well as with each Course Syllabus after enrollment for more detailed information.

Student Progress Monitoring Policy

Individual student progress is measured, without exception, by trained faculty within 48 hours of receiving a new homework submission. Faculty interact with the student, provide encouraging insights into the student’s work, and grade the submission. Students demonstrating exceptional work and students demonstrating a need for help are discussed weekly in our faculty meetings with Student Success. Students demonstrating a need for help are contacted by a faculty member or Student Success specialist within the week for assistance. Students additionally have up to 9 scheduled progress check-ins with Student Success in our multi-course certifications. Students may also contact any faculty member or Student Success to request unlimited personalized attention for help with their coursework. At the end of each month, Student Success reviews grades and progress for each student in our multi-course certifications to ensure they are participating as agreed. If a student has concerns about their progress, an individual grade, or an unlikely conflict with a faculty or administrative member, they can submit their concern via email and the Leadership Council will review and rule on their concern. Please refer to our Student & Community Handbook for more detailed information.

School Resources Available To Each Student

In our online classrooms and in addition to course material available within each course, each EHI student in good standing will have access to our Student Success department for assistance with grades, transcripts, matriculation, slow schedules and leave of absences. Additionally, all students will have access to the EHI eLibrary, EHI Student Commons & EHI Gaia Classroom for research, networking, and information on how to reduce their individual carbon impact and help reverse climate change. Finally, each student will have unlimited access to Dr. Henele, each member of the leadership council and all faculty members.

Student Conduct Policy

EHI Students, Graduates, & Administrative Team Members are expected to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and conscious community membership relying on the Aloha Spirit to be our guide in all our decision making and actions. Students & Team Members who fail to uphold this standard for excellence can be brought before the Leadership Council for behavioral review. Our goal at EHI is always to work with our community members to teach and encourage them to find a better way when mistakes are made. However, if the Leadership Council feels that the Student’s or Team Members actions, behavior or responses are egregious, malicious, hateful or abusive and therefore in violation of current polices and our Student & Community Handbook then the Leadership Council can choose to terminate the Student’s enrollment agreement or the Team Member’s contract in extreme circumstance including, but not limited to, proven criminal activity. For students who’s enrollment is cancelled or terminated, they will still be held to our financial polices regarding tuition refunds as stated above. Please refer to our Student & Community Handbook for more detailed information.

Student Services Policy

While the Energetic Health Institute cannot and does not guarantee employment upon the successful completion of any of our certifications, we do have systems in place to assist our graduates in positioning themselves for future employment with each multi-course certification. While matriculating, students who reach specific milestones in their curricula become eligible to engage in optional field study internships local to their residence. It is the responsibility of the student to identify potential field study internship opportunities and then report them to Student Success so we can help vet the opportunity and confirm with regulatory agencies that this opportunity will meet their standards for credit hours. Our experience has been that the majority of students who take advantage of this optional field study internship, do indeed find placement after graduation or at least gain valuable experience to bolster their resume. In addition, EHI incorporates private practice and business courses into all multi-course certifications to help students develop skills essential for entrepreneurship and workplace employment such as curriculum vitae and cover letter development, interviewing techniques, business development, and marketing through website development & social media. EHI will always do all we can to assist our graduates in gaining employment.

Additionally, EHI offers Health Services to all of our student body by way of our educational courses and the lessons therein and through each student’s ability to work directly with faculty members who are qualified and in practice to support the student. Students can also take advantage of our unlimited personalized attention pledge to contact any faculty members and discuss their health status as an educational endeavor or decide to work directly with said faculty member in a professional capacity.

Further, Counseling Services and referrals for counseling are offered and available to each EHI student through trained faculty members, Student Success, and our available referral network. Please refer to our Student & Community Handbook and Holistic Practice & Holistic Business courses for more detailed information.

Student Grievance Policy (Communications Of Concern)

Students who feel wronged in any capacity by any member of the EHI Community may file a private email ‘Internal Student Grievance’ with any member of the faculty or Leadership Council not directly involved in the grievance. Any Team Member receiving a grievance notification from a student is then trained and required to share the grievance with the members of the Leadership Council not directly involved in the grievance. The Leadership Council is then to deliberate on the grievance within 48 hours and inform the Board of Directors and accused party as to the nature of the grievance and potential resolutions. A representative from the Leadership Council is then to contact the student via telephone or video conference to discuss the issue and collect any additional information requested by the Leadership Council and/or Board of Directors. The Leadership Council will then reconvene to decide on the best course of action and present the filing student, via formal email, with a summary of findings and official resolutions. The Leadership Council is then to inform the Board of Directors as to the outcome and log all the documents and notes from the grievance in the Board Resolution History. All grievances should be finalized within a maximum of 7 days of the filing whenever possible. Please refer to our Student & Community Handbook under Student Grievance Policy (Communication of Concern) for more detailed information.

Please note that the Oregon HECC recommends that all students aggrieved by action of the school should attempt to resolve these problems with appropriate school officials. Should this procedure fail students may contact: Higher Education Coordinating Commission, Private Career Schools, 255 Capitol Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97310 After consultation with appropriate Commission staff and if the complaint alleges a violation of Oregon Revised Statutes 345.010 to 345.470 or standards of the Oregon Administrative Rules 715-045-0001 through 715-045-0210, the Commission will begin the complaint investigation process as defined in OAR 715-045-0023 Appeals and Complaints.

Graduation Ceremony & Graduation Requirements Policy

Students in multi-course certifications are eligible to participate in Graduation Ceremonies held every Feb, Jun, & Oct by being within 10 lessons of completing all of their coursework, completing their application for graduation, and paying their graduation fees. In order to officially graduate, students from all certifications must complete 100% of their coursework with an 80% final grade or higher in each of their individual courses within their certification. Student’s in single-course certifications are not eligible for graduation ceremonies. Please refer to our Student & Community Handbook and Graduation Application for more detailed information.

Student Freedom Of Information Policy

All EHI students and graduates have a right to their student file and the information contained within including grades, transcripts, and financial information by sending a written email request to Students are encouraged to save a copy of each homework assignment for their own records and reference in the text of literally every homework assignment.

Each student’s information is secured on our private cloud server and, without exception, will never be shared with anyone without the express written consent of the individual student. We adhere to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99).


Attendance Policy

In multi-course certifications and starting with the student’s first full month, students are required to complete a minimum of 3 lessons every month while matriculating towards graduation with the exception of July & December when only 2 lessons are required to be completed. Students experiencing medical, financial, or familial challenges may request to go on Slow Schedule or take a Leave of Absence not to extend beyond a maximum of 3 total months over the entire course of their certification.

In single-course certifications, each student is required to complete 1 lesson per week and will be afforded 2 extra weeks following the conclusion of the course to get caught up on any work missed during the course. Students who do not complete their coursework during the time allotted for coursework completion may re-enroll in the next offering of the course for an audit fee to be determined by each course and not to exceed 50% of the original course’s tuition cost. Students are not afforded Slow Schedules or Leave of Absences for these certifications. Please refer to our Student & Community Handbook and Enrollment Agreement for more detailed information.

Slow Schedule & Leave Of Absence Policy

For multi-course certifications only. Students experiencing medical, financial, or familial challenges may request through to go on Slow Schedule (completing 1 or 2 lessons per month) or take a Leave of Absence (no course work required). Each student is afforded 3 months of Slow Schedule & 3 months of Leave of Absence without need of petitioning the Leadership Council. Students requiring longer Leaves of Absence must petition the Leadership Council and provide documentation to support their request. Please refer to our Student & Community Handbook for more detailed information.

Returning To School Policy

For multi-course certifications only. Students who are placed on Restricted Access or designated for Re-Enrollment, and who were previously in good standing, may return to school at any point within 12 months of their last login by contacting Student Success and paying the appropriate fees to return to school. Please refer to our Student & Community Handbook for more detailed information.

Overtime Policy

For multi-course certifications only. Students in need of additional time beyond the time afforded to them to complete their coursework can pay an overtime fee of $500 for 6 additional months of classroom access. Students may also petition the Leadership Council for fee exemptions, fee reductions, or fee payment schedules. Students will be immediately granted access to their coursework upon the initial payment of any fees as agreed upon by the student and Leadership Council. We will do all we can to assist our students on their path to graduation. Please refer to our Student & Community Handbook for more detailed information.

Failure To Participate & Communicate Policy

For multi-course certifications only. Student participation & communication is essential to developing exceptional practitioners. As such student participation & communication is measured daily, reviewed weekly, and reconciled monthly by faculty & Student Success. Students failing to participate & communicate with Student Success as detailed in the EHI Student & Community Handbook will be subject to the following corrective actions:
(a) Failure to participate & communicate for 1 month – Warning Letter Emailed with Corrective Action.
(b) Failure to participate & communicate for 2 months – Student placed on Academic Probation. Student Called & Emailed with Corrective Action.
(c) Failure to participate & communicate for 3 months – Student’s online access to classroom is Restricted. Student Called & Emailed with Corrective Action which now includes a Restriction Fee of $250.
(d) Failure to participate & communicate for 4 months – Student’s online account is officially Inactivated. Student Called & Emailed with Corrective Action which now includes a Reactivation Fee of $500.

Note: The easiest way to avoid any of this is to get your work submitted on time or stay in excellent communication with Student Success. Please refer to our Student & Community Handbook as well as your Enrollment Agreement for more detailed information.


Notice Of Student & Community Nondiscrimination Policy

The Energetic Health Institute proudly accepts and admits students of all races, all skin colors, all religious beliefs, all genders, all ages (above 18), all sexual orientations, all nationalities, and all ethnicities with full rights, privileges, and access to all programs and activities generally afforded to each individual student of the school without discrimination or prejudice. We strive to maintain a judgment-free learning environment that encourages students to reach their full potential. We do not discriminate whatsoever on the basis of race, color, religious belief, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, or ethnicity in the administration of our educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship awards, or alternative student loan eligibility. What applies to one member of our community applies to all.

Further, it is our expectation that students joining our community embrace a similar ‘zero tolerance’ approach for any and all attempts of division, derision, and degradation. One Planet, One People, One Love. Who a person is comes from the content of their character and the culmination of their acts of love and kindness towards all members of our world community. It is our mission to promote the evolution of human consciousness so that each person can live the best version of themselves. This policy is in full compliance with ORS 659.850. Please note that any student who feels they have been discriminated by any school, as described in ORS 345.240, may file a complaint under ORS 659A.820 with the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries.

Any Student or Team Member of the Energetic Health Institute who, after being granted due process to plead their case or have a representative plead their case, has been found to be guilty of any discriminatory act will be expelled from school or terminated from employment with the school effective immediately.

EHI Zero Tolerance Policy For Hatred Or Harm

The Energetic Health Institute reserves the right to decline admission, dismiss any enrolled student, or terminate any employee, independent contractor, affiliate or partner for attempting to bully, intimidate, harm or act in a manner unbecoming of an EHI Healer. Any act flagged for potentially spreading hatred or harm through our community, any act that offends the highest ideals of our community, or any act that attempts to spread hatred or harm will be given due process by our Leadership Council & governing board members. If, under the discretion of the Leadership Council & board members, an action is deemed to have violated this policy the Energetic Health Institute reserves the right to terminate any and all aspects of our relationship with the offending person at our discretion with detailed notification of cause.


Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC)

The Energetic Health Institute is not endorsed by or affiliated with the Distance Education Accrediting Commission at this time. The Energetic Health Institute has become eligible to submit our application for accreditation with the DEAC based upon their guidelines of each school having a minimum of 2 years of continuous operation. We look forward to submitting our application in the coming years following approval by our Board of Directors.

Privacy & Data Protection Policy

The Energetic Health Institute collects information through our Scholarship Application, Contact Form & Email Sign-up for the express purpose of assessing the qualifications of, and answering questions from, prospective students. Information submitted is saved on secure cloud-based servers and NEVER shared with any 3rd party or other company. Information shared is on a volunteer basis and each prospective student can opt out of email communications and request to have their data deleted by sending a formal email request to Protecting your privacy is our priority.

Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC)

The Energetic Health Institute is not endorsed by or affiliated with the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission. Our application with the HECC for operating a private career school is currently under review. Public Notice, Single-Course Specialty Certifications are not reviewed or regulated by the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission and are intended to be used for the enhancement of personal education and/or individual professional acumen on the topics they cover.

California Bureau Of Private Post-secondary Education (BPPE)

The Energetic Health Institute is not endorsed by or affiliated with the California Bureau of Private Post-secondary Education. We are currently listed as an exempt school by the BPPE under the existing laws of the State of California.

We Are A 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation

As of May 2015, the Energetic Health Institute has been officially recognized by the Internal Revenue Service & the States of Oregon & California as a 501(c)3 nonprofit PUBLIC BENEFIT CORPORATION. We are a distance education school specializing in online education and are very proud of this designation. We are very privileged to be able to serve students of the healing arts all around the world.

We are registered with the Secretary of State & Departments of Justice in both Oregon & California. The Energetic Health Institute is not endorsed by, or affiliated with, any state or federal agencies in the United States or abroad.

Statement Of Hosting Location

The Energetic Health Institute is a distance education school serving our online student community through a collaborative classroom hosting partnership with Schoology, INC 2 Penn Plaza, 10th Floor New York, New York 10121.

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Certified Holistic Nutritionist?


***All Information Shared On This Website Is For Educational Purposes Only. All Statements Have Not Been Evaluated By The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Go Here For A Current List Of The FDA’s Position On Various Therapeutic Interventions. We Are Required To Inform You That Any Information Shared On This Website Is Not Intended To Advise, Diagnose, Treat, Cure, Or Prevent Any Disease Including COVID. Additionally, We Are Required To Inform You That Any Information Shared On This Website Is Not Intended To Constitute Legal Advice Or Service. Always Consult With Qualified Licensed Medical Professionals & Legal Experts Before Enacting Any Information Presented Herein.***

***Please Be Aware That At No Time Will EHI Offer Advice, Guidance, Or Direction With Respect To Whether Or Not An Individual Should Or Should Not Receive COVID Gene Modification Shots In Clinical Trial According To The National Institutes Of Health (NIH). We Encourage All People To Review Available Safety & Efficacy Data, Published By The CDC Through The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) And The CDC’s COVID Data Tracker, With Their Trusted Healthcare Team And Make The Decision That Is Right For Them. We Support Every Individual’s Rights As Patients To Agree To Or Decline Any Medical Procedure As Stated In The American Medical Association’s Code Of Medical Ethics 1.1.3(d).***

***In A Transparent Effort To Be In Full Compliance With The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Regarding Prevention, Treatment, & Deceptive Practices (15 U.S. Code § 57b & Section 19 of the FTC Act), We Are Required To Notify You That The Information Shared On This Website Is A Collection Of Peer-Reviewed Empirical Evidence, But Has Not Yet Been Evaluated By The FDA For Safety & Efficacy. None Of The Information Provided Is Intended To Replace The Care And Supervision Of Qualified Licensed Medical Professionals Or The Legal Advice Of Licensed Attorneys.***
Dr. H Ealy Energetic Health Institute Holistic Nutrition Certification Nutritionist vs Dietitian
Dr. H Ealy Energetic Health Institute Holistic Nutrition Certification Nutritionist vs Dietitian
Dr. H Ealy Energetic Health Institute Holistic Nutrition Certification Nutritionist vs Dietitian
Dr. H Ealy Energetic Health Institute Holistic Nutrition Certification Nutritionist vs Dietitian
Dr. H Ealy Energetic Health Institute Holistic Nutrition Certification Nutritionist vs Dietitian
Dr. H Ealy Energetic Health Institute Holistic Nutrition Certification Nutritionist vs Dietitian