Awesome. I grew up going barefoot a lot seeing how I lived in the country and I always felt so good. Going back to spending more time doing so again!
Since I purchased grounding mat, grounding sheet and pillow case I sleep so much better! Even if i wake up at night for some reason i go back to sleep right away, and wake up well rested. I also noticed more vivid dreams every night. Thank you Dr. Ealy for sharing this knowledge with us!
love all. thx 4 ur hardwork.
I bought a grounding sheet and matt about 15 years ago. I used them and did not feel any different. I recently found my grounding matt and tried it again and put on my bed and I lay on it in the night. After doing this for a few days I noticed something dramatic. I work out etc and over 45 now. I was always sore when I woke up. But I was no longer sore in the morning. It was a night and day difference. I remember going to put my shoes on and my mind was saying that something will be stiff or sore…and then no stiffness and nothing was sore. I am guessing this matt significantly reduces my inflammation and helps my body repair. I used to use a grounding rod but now bought an earthing plug and use this matt all day and every night. Truly amazing.
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3300 NW 185th Ave. Suite 189, Portland, OR 97229