Happy New Year Healer



1. Start the New Year by choosing love and truth over fear.
2. Love roars with strength, standing firm against fear and greed.
3. Let hope and love guide your actions to create a brighter 2025.

"The Greatest Energy Always Prevails"


I awoke today, before the sun rose, in a complete panic
I thought today was Thursday, and I was going to miss the upcoming Healing for the A.G.E.S. Public Service Announcement event.
I guess I’m a little too excited to get back to work, LOL.
So, I went outside and prayed.
Perhaps I awoke in a panic due to having too many days off and losing track of which day of the week it actually was… Or perhaps it was due to a dream I had last night that was, at the same time, both disturbing and liberating.

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That was the theme of my dream.
As hope now appears on our horizon, I do wonder if it will be realized.
I suppose that is both the blessing and curse of a healthy skeptic, such as I am.
We’ve been through so very much over these last five years… and I am so very PROUD of each of you.
For you have proven, there is no lie that your light can not shine through… For you have proven there is no mountain; you are too tired to climb. You could have given up… but you didn’t Healer… you showed the world…
Whenever I lose hope… I remember this fact about you.
And it inspires me!
What makes the future so interesting… is that love is possible too!
For what is possible is what we choose to be possible, Healer!
WE are in charge; to think otherwise is to be less than what you were born to be.
In my dream, I was being asked questions about vaxxines by the same people who chose…
Toilet paper instead of Vitamin C…
Masks instead of fresh air…
Bioweapons instead of sunlight…
To listen to liars instead of leaders…
To cancel even those they Love… instead of choosing Love itself.
And I was sad.
I was sad that even 5 years later, these same people chose the darkness of fear instead of the warmth of love, logic, and light.
But such is the prerogative we all possess thanks to the gift of free will we all own.

“There is no lie that your light can not shine through…”

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I hope so because loving them in our special way is the key to ensuring this unbridled evil never happens again.
You see, Healer, Love doesn’t acquiesce to ignorance… when it knows the truth.
Love doesn’t give in to greed… when it knows the joy of selflessness.
Love doesn’t remain silent… when it’s threatened by fear.
And Love doesn’t restrain itself… when it’s time to defend itself.
Love is not weak… Love is not flaccid… Love does not show its belly when being attacked.


Love ROARS like a beast when it’s threatened.
And for this very reason… Love Always Wins.
Now, how Love is manifested is unique for each Being of Light… to some extent at least.
So, when in doubt as to which action is needed in the face of fear, greed, and ignorance… ask yourself this essential question, Healer…
What would Love do now?
Would it flaccidly say, ‘Oh, if I do nothing, this will go away’?
Would it give up, ‘There’s nothing I can do about this’?
Would it hide like a coward or cry in despair while tyranny spreads?
In my dream, I had the beta-minded minions who live in fear asking me,
‘How can you be so hostile to more lockdowns? Our slave masters know what’s best for us.’
They asked me
‘How could you refuse to put on a mask?’
They asked me
‘How could you refuse the devil’s injections?’
‘Aren’t you afraid like I am?’
I felt the pressure of their fear.
I felt the weight of their ignorance.
And I ROARED back at both without apology or restraint…
While still Loving Them Anyway.
Yes, It’s possible to yell in LOVE.
I roared at them with Logic.
‘By now, we’ve all heard of the 1976 Swine Flu vaxxine that was suspended after it killed many Americans. Yes?’
They all nodded.
And I demanded of them, ‘DID THEY KNOW WHY IT WAS RECALLED?’
But they answered that they did not.

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And they looked confused. What did a year have to do with anything?
Ahhh… the opportunity for education!
So, I taught them…I roared, ‘THERE WERE NO PROTECTIONS FOR THE VAXXINE MAKERS BACK THEN… Not Until Our Congress Sold… Us… Out!’
Everyone thinks the government recalled those damn shots back in 1976, but that’s not what happened, Healer. What happened is that the vaxxine makers cried and whined, knowing they could not produce a product that did not harm.
They threatened to stop making the vaxxines if Congress did not protect them… if Congress did not use our tax dollars to pay for their insurance bills and for all the harm their experimental vaxxine created.
Because they knew they were going to get sued into oblivion by Americans. The vaxxine makers put out a product that injured and killed, so it was in their SELF-interest to refuse to make the product unless they were protected from harm themselves…
Ironic or, at least hypocritical in every sense of the word.
Remember that phrase ‘self-interest.’ It will come up a lot this year, Healer.
And the fearful didn’t like what I had to say…
(or how I said it)
But they couldn’t refute the roar of Love…
and so, THEY backed down…NOT I.


What me do I want to be?
This year…
I will be the me that cares more about the truth being spoken… than whether or not the truth hurts.
Speaking Truth is Kind.
Being Selfless is Right.
Roaring with Love is Wise.
I will be the me that is a devoted Friend of God, Father, and Leader of Love.
I will do all I can to make you as proud of me as I am of you.
The Greatest Energy Always Prevails.
In 2020, that energy was fear. That energy was greed. That energy taught us that we have a choice. By all means, if you enjoyed that energy… use your free will to choose it again.
The Greatest Energy Always Prevails.
In 2025, I will use my energy to Roar with Love at fear and greed… because this is my choice, and I have learned the lessons of our past so that they will never be repeated.
This thought of Roaring with Love brings me such joy that I am excited for the inevitable challenges ‘the hope we share’ will face.
Will this be the year that these evil shots get recalled?
That glyphosate gets banned?
That the vaxxine makers get stripped naked of their unconstitutional protections?
Will this be the year that criminals in suits and ties get the justice they deserve?
I hope so…and I will Roar with Love until this is the reality we all bask in…
I will do all I can to make it happen.
Because I know in my heart that Roaring with Love will see us through any challenges we will face!

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MAHA isn’t an organization… it’s a goal… a dream.
WE are MAHA because WE have chosen to MYHA (Make Yourself Health Again)…
and with your great help Healer…
WE will make that dream come true!
May God shine His divine light down upon us all, everyone we love, and surround us in the protection of His warm and healing embrace.
I am Dr. Henry Ealy.
And I encourage you to Roar with Love in your own unique and beautiful way this year Healer.
Aloha wau ia ‘oe (I love you)


Dr. Henry L. Ealy is the founder of the Energetic Health Institute. A Healer in the truest sense of the word, and one that goes by many names. Professionally, he is known as Dr. Henele, an honor bestowed upon him by a Kahuna Lapa’au on the island of Kaua’i in 2001. To his wonderful students, he is lovingly referred to as Dr. H. And on Jan 5, 2022, through a crystal clear vision, he was anointed in the Eternity of God as Walis which translates to ‘Friend of God’. No matter which name you prefer, who he is remains the same…a devoted being of light, walking the straight way, and doing God’s work with his heart always in the right place.


***All Information Shared In This Article Is For Educational Purposes Only. All Statements Have Not Been Evaluated By The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Go Here For A Current List Of The FDA’s Position On Various Therapeutic Interventions. We Are Required To Inform You That Any Information Presented In This Article Is Not Intended To Advise, Diagnose, Treat, Cure, Or Prevent Any Disease Including COVID. Additionally, We Are Required To Inform You That Any Information Presented In This Article Is Not Intended To Constitute Legal Advice Or Service. Always Consult With Qualified Licensed Medical Professionals & Legal Experts Before Enacting Any Information Presented Herein.***

***Please Be Aware That At No Time Will EHI Offer Advice, Guidance, Or Direction With Respect To Whether Or Not An Individual Should Or Should Not Receive COVID Gene Modification Shots In Clinical Trial According To The National Institutes Of Health (NIH). We Encourage All People To Review Available Safety & Efficacy Data, Published By The CDC Through The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) And The CDC’s COVID Data Tracker, With Their Trusted Healthcare Team And Make The Decision That Is Right For Them. We Support Every Individual’s Rights As Patients To Agree To Or Decline Any Medical Procedure As Stated In The American Medical Association’s Code Of Medical Ethics 1.1.3(d).***

***In A Transparent Effort To Be In Full Compliance With The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Regarding Prevention, Treatment, & Deceptive Practices (15 U.S. Code § 57b & Section 19 of the FTC Act), We Are Required To Notify You That The Information Presented In This Article Is A Collection Of Peer-Reviewed Empirical Evidence, But Has Not Yet Been Evaluated By The FDA For Safety & Efficacy. None Of The Information Provided Is Intended To Replace The Care And Supervision Of Qualified Licensed Medical Professionals Or The Legal Advice Of Licensed Attorneys.***