Dr. Henry L. Ealy is the founder of the Energetic Health Institute. A Healer in the truest sense of the word, and one that goes by many names. Professionally, he is known as Dr. Henele, an honor bestowed upon him by a Kahuna Lapa’au on the island of Kaua’i in 2001. To his wonderful students, he is lovingly referred to as Dr. H. And on Jan 5, 2022, through a crystal clear vision, he was anointed in the Eternity of God as Walis which translates to ‘Friend of God’. No matter which name you prefer, who he is remains the same…a devoted being of light, walking the straight way, and doing God’s work with his heart always in the right place.
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3300 NW 185th Ave. Suite 189, Portland, OR 97229