Let's Make Tomorrow Amazing #2

Energy, Nourishment, Achievement: Daily Success


1. Ignite your daily routine with vibrant energy for a happier, more productive you with daily success.

2. Embrace a nourishing life, feeding both body and soul, to uplift yourself and those around you.

3. Craft a joyful path to success with intentional scheduling and one victorious achievement at a time.

“Treat this school like you’re going to a physical school building even though it’s remote. Set a schedule and keep a serious school routine. Be patient with yourself, and it’s okay
to make mistakes.”


It’s November 2023, and here are some serious questions to ask yourself.

Am I struggling to get a handle on my busy, day-to-day routine?

Am I allowing myself to be held prisoner to everything happening around me?

Do I feel like I’m getting nowhere?

Do I feel like I’ve accomplished all that I intended this year?

At EHI, it’s all about positive and productive energy for daily success that can relieve stress, create a
calm, forgiving, and peaceful attitude, produce happiness, and increase productivity. Whatever
your goals are, it starts with you! Nutrition is more than just about the food you eat. It’s about nurturing and loving yourself to nurture and love your family and others around you. We all have busy lives and taking care of home and family is serious business, but are you ready to be serious about your health?
In a recent conversation with Sherri, our Executive Director for Community Welcoming, we discussed the types of daily challenges we all face, shared some personal tips, and talked about the importance of EHI’s expectations.

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Why not take some time this month and look at your weekly calendar and start building out a doable time schedule. Make sure to include protective time for your family AND space and time for you! It’s crucial that we be very protective of family time, work time, and personal development time. We are pulled in so many directions these days. There are so many voices, so many messages. If we’re not prepared, we can waste energy and give place to wasted time. In that scenario, we don’t benefit, family doesn’t benefit, and productivity suffers. Look at your calendar. Do you see the time for yourself? When reconstructing your calendar, think of these three things:

1. Put family on your calendar—love comes first. Make this family time with no cell phones.
2. Schedule personal time—it’s essential! Don’t let daily distractions prevent you from enjoying moments for yourself.
3. Work is #3, which includes your schooling.

Man traveler on mountain summit enjoying nature view with hands raised over clouds

"What made EHI a special experience for me was having such amazing support from the teachers, TA's and staff."


Relationships are medicine for us. Think back at some of the fun times you’ve had with family. How did that make you feel? Did you feel more energetic afterward? Did you become more productive that day? Loving relationships produce energy and opportunities for success!

Establishing boundaries in your daily schedule can also create room for quality time for important things in your life.

At EHI, we teach you how to nurture a mentality for success. It starts with writing down the one thing you want to complete for the day. Each day, it’s just one thing—just one. Even with a list of other things to do on your calendar, concentrate first on that one thing. Then, give yourself a mental “high 5.” Mentally, you will feel successful and accomplished, creating more energy and the mentality to accomplish more.

Just think how one thing a day adds up to seven things a week, so many a month, a year, and so on. That’s 365 things a year that you accomplished! Wow! You can have a positive feeling when you look at it this way. So, this month, take the opportunity to “slow the train down,” reorganize, and set yourself up for success by doing one thing each day and giving yourself that high 5!

Take time to slow down and reevaluate what’s most important to you! According to EHI Expectations, EHI students become exceptional healers by caring for themselves first and applying that same care and compassion to others.

Rooted in Nature.
Backed by Science.


#1 Be kind: Talk to fellow students and everyone on the team while being respectful and showing kindness in all communications.

#2 Be curious: Ask questions and be open to receive questions. EHI teaches you how to think. Not what to think. Be patient.

#3 Be objective: Don’t be afraid to change your mind and thinking on ideologies. It’s okay to make changes in a positive light.

#4 Do today’s work: Don’t let distractions get you off track. Start your day off with meditation or prayer for success. Health isn’t just about nutrition, it’s about all our daily habits. Engage with social media when you’re ready to. Taking some time off from your phone and social media supports better health.

#5 Trust the process: Find your voice to speak how you feel! We are open to everyone with love in our hearts at EHI. Religions do not matter. We believe love wins. Hugs rock. Have faith in the process. Trust the process of your growth as a healer.

Unofficial #6—Speak your truth without fear, without self-censorship, and without concerning yourself with things that you have no control over, which is someone else’s interpretation of what you’re saying.

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Don’t limit your level of exploration about food, supplements, and water. At EHI, we concentrate on the essentials for life—air, water, food, AND our spiritual/mental wellbeing. So, this month, take some time to reevaluate, reorganize, and set yourself up for more energy to be a healthier and happier you, then go out and make tomorrow amazing!


Dr. Henry L. Ealy is the founder of the Energetic Health Institute. A Healer in the truest sense of the
word, and one that goes by many names. Professionally, he is known as Dr. Henele, an honor bestowed
upon him by a Kahuna Lapa’au on the island of Kaua’i in 2001. To his wonderful students, he is lovingly
referred to as Dr. H. And on Jan 5, 2022, through a crystal clear vision, he was anointed in the Eternity of
God as Walis which translates to ‘Friend of God’. No matter which name you prefer, who he is remains
the same…a devoted being of light, walking the straight way, and doing God’s work with his heart
always in the right place.

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***All Information Shared In This Article Is For Educational Purposes Only. All Statements Have Not Been Evaluated By The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Go Here For A Current List Of The FDA’s Position On Various Therapeutic Interventions. We Are Required To Inform You That Any Information Presented In This Article Is Not Intended To Advise, Diagnose, Treat, Cure, Or Prevent Any Disease Including COVID. Additionally, We Are Required To Inform You That Any Information Presented In This Article Is Not Intended To Constitute Legal Advice Or Service. Always Consult With Qualified Licensed Medical Professionals & Legal Experts Before Enacting Any Information Presented Herein.***

***Please Be Aware That At No Time Will EHI Offer Advice, Guidance, Or Direction With Respect To Whether Or Not An Individual Should Or Should Not Receive COVID Gene Modification Shots In Clinical Trial According To The National Institutes Of Health (NIH). We Encourage All People To Review Available Safety & Efficacy Data, Published By The CDC Through The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) And The CDC’s COVID Data Tracker, With Their Trusted Healthcare Team And Make The Decision That Is Right For Them. We Support Every Individual’s Rights As Patients To Agree To Or Decline Any Medical Procedure As Stated In The American Medical Association’s Code Of Medical Ethics 1.1.3(d).***

***In A Transparent Effort To Be In Full Compliance With The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Regarding Prevention, Treatment, & Deceptive Practices (15 U.S. Code § 57b & Section 19 of the FTC Act), We Are Required To Notify You That The Information Presented In This Article Is A Collection Of Peer-Reviewed Empirical Evidence, But Has Not Yet Been Evaluated By The FDA For Safety & Efficacy. None Of The Information Provided Is Intended To Replace The Care And Supervision Of Qualified Licensed Medical Professionals Or The Legal Advice Of Licensed Attorneys.***